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  • South America

South America

Scenic landscapes of rain forest, raging rivers, snow-capped mountains and warm, smiling people await you on a South American railway journey. South America's wild lands often defy geography but have been defied too - penetrated with masterful engineering by some of the truly great railway journeys of the world. Whether you take the train to the clouds or the train to Machu Picchu, the end of the world train or the beginning of the Andes, each journey is special and will leave you with lasting memories. 

Luxury Trains in South America

Hiram Bingham

  • Region : South America
  • Type : Luxury Trains
  • Traveller Interest : Panoramic Vistas

In July 1911, an explorer named Hiram Bingham climbed up a steep hill and stumbled on to Machu Picchu, uncovering what had been up until that moment, the Inca's best kept secret. The World was stunned by his discovery. Peru Rail's luxury train service between Cuzco and Machu Picchu is named after...

Andean Explorer

  • Region : South America
  • Type : Scenic Day Trips
  • Traveller Interest : Panoramic Vistas

Riding the Andean Explorer is a unique experience. It is a journey between mountains, clouds and highlands. The Andean Explorer has a subtle, delicate style of the great Pullman trains of the twenties. It boasts a full fleet of refurbished coaches including dining cars and an open-air observation...