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Beijing-Shanghai (Jinghu) High Speed Railway

Beijing-Shanghai (Jinghu) High Speed Railway

  • Region : Asia
  • Type : High Speed Trains
  • Traveller Interest : A Need for speed
  • Introduction / History
  • Accommodation
  • Dining / Lounge
  • Pricing
Starting from Beijing South Railway Station and ending at Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station, the 1318-kilometer-long Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway is the longest and highest quality high speed railway in the world with a designed speed of 350km per hour covering the distance in 4 hours 48 minutes. It is commonly referred to as the Jinghu Railway, taking on the abbreviated names of the two terminal cities. In Chinese, "Jing" means "capital" and refers to Beijing, and "Hu" is the abbreviated name for Shanghai. 

A journey on this train is akin to a flight. Despite the fast speed, the environment inside the train is quiet with only scant background sound, and the train maintains a stable run. Glasses of water on the seat-back tables are almost motionless. Besides the high-speed G train, there are other D and T trains that also run this journey, albeit at a much slower pace.

The Beijing-Shanghai high speed G train is composed of two VIP sightseeing areas, business, first and second class passenger cars and a dining car. A disabled seating area, toilet room, barrier-free wheelchair passage are also provided on board the train to create a passenger-friendly environment. Electricity outlets behind seats are provided on the CRH380 EMUs. The space between the seats is wide enough for comfort. Headphones are  provided for passengers on first-class seats to watch TV programs or listen to other channels.


Sightseeing Area

The sightseeing areas comprise of 5 seats: 2 VIP seats and 3 sofa sleepers. They are the most expensive seats on the train. The sightseeing area is very close to the driver's room, hence passengers can see clearly how train drivers in their control room ride the train while sitting in their seats. The seats are equipped with flexible reading lamps, a foldable dining table, multifunction LCD TV, 3G wireless networks etc. Besides this, it provides three types of seated postures: sitting, half recline and a full 180 degree recline.


Business Class

The business class seats are exactly the same as the seats in the sightseeing area but have 2x2 rows of 24 deluxe seats.


First Class

There are 4 first class cabins with 186 first class seats on each high speed G train. On the Jinghu train, business class seats are of a higher category than first class seats. First class seats are equipped with a flexible reading lamp and passengers can adjust the gradient of the seat here too. Inside each first class cabin are two toilet rooms.


Second Class

The second class seats are the most popular seats on the Beijing Shanghai high speed G train. With its thick cushioned mat, the seats are very comfortable and are the most favoured seas by the Chinese lao bai xing (general public).

Meals on board the train are not included. The dining area on the G Train is beautifully decorated in blue and white floral fabric making it look bright, tidy and spacious. Crisply dressed hostesses serve food on board.

Pricing varies based on the journey, cabin preference, season of travel & more.

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